Walker Parish church is committed to the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and vulnerable adults and affirms that the needs of children or of people when they are vulnerable are paramount. Safeguarding is the responsibility of the whole church community and we strive to do all we can across all our activities to create a safe space for all.



A copy of our Safeguarding policy can be found here.

Walker Parish church is committed to following the national Church of England guidelines set out in 'Promoting a Safer Church', and following the Newcastle Diocese safeguarding procedures that can be accessed here.

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a safeguarding advisor or if necessary, report the matter to the local authority Social Care Service or the police without delay.

The leaflet 'You will be listened to' shows how the process of reporting abuse works in the hope that you or anyone you know that has been affected by abuse within the Church will have the confidence to speak out.

Local contacts available to speak to if you have any concerns:

Julia Ellison, Walker Parish Safeguarding Officer
Carol Butler, Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (c.butler@newcastle.anglican.org 07825 167016)
Local Authority Social Services: 0191 277 2500

If there is immediate danger contact the police on 101.


Walker Parish Church only keeps personal data that we have consent to do so. It is kept safely and is never handed on to other organisations. This policy (right) outlines the data we keep, and how it is handled.

  • Individual Rights:
    Individuals are entitled to examine their and their dependants’ details kept by Walker Parish Church.
  • Individuals may have their personal data removed from any list held by Walker Parish Church on request to either: the Data Controller, Data Protection Officer or Church Administrator.
  • Individuals have to give Walker Parish Church explicit instructions that their data may be retained. Appropriate forms for this consent will be issued for you to fill in.

For more information on any of our policies, please contact us.